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Wax Melts 

Bringing Hours of Aromatic Bliss

Wax melts are a popular, affordable, and easy-to-use way to fill your home with delightful fragrances.

These beautifully crafted pieces of scented wax come in a variety of charming shapes, colors, and sizes.


When gently heated in an oil burner, they release a captivating aroma throughout the room. Unlike traditional candles, wax melts don't have wicks and aren't lit directly. Depending on their shape, they can be called tarts or cubes, and our collection features uniquely lovely flower-shaped designs.

While candles use a flame to melt the wax, wax melts require heat from an oil burner due to their wickless design. Despite their small size, our wax melts are made with fragrant coconut wax blends, ensuring a long-lasting scent experience.

Affordable, simple to use, and increasingly popular, wax melts are a fantastic way to enhance the ambiance of your home with beautiful, lingering fragrances.

Citrodora Wax Melt
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The striking notes of rose damascena, waterlily and Cylamen make this popular fragrance a winter warmer. Perfect for adding a touch of fresh ambiance to any space.

Pinacolada's lazing along a tropical stretch of coastline is what this particular fragrance releases. Coconut with hints of Lime and cordial, surfing or lazing with friends.

White Wax Melt

Tropical Coconut

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Rosaceae (Rose)

Oak, moss & peony are blended together to bring you a fragrance both strong in scent, fresh & sweet.

Rose Wax Melt
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Pomegranate Wax Melt

Pinacolada's lazing along a tropical stretch of coastline is what this particular fragrance releases. Coconut with hints of Lime and cordial, surfing or lazing with friends.

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Baobab Wax Melt


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A winter warmer that reminds you of times enjoying peppermint crisp. Blended with citrus and wood, our Peppermint fragrance is sure to bring on the feels.

Ocean Wax Melt
Miskie-Go Wax Melt


Our signature fragrance is a blend of Lemongrass and Eucalyptus for the top notes and accompanied by other citrus & camphor that aids in the effective mosquito and fly deterrent. Memories of Thailand

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Aloe, Cucumber and Freesia blended to bring a clean, subtle fragrance that would make any room smell like a bubble bath. This fragrance when warmed is refreshing.


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The Grow Light Forever Lavandula blend is one of our secret mixes of beauty. This fragrant infusion will uplift any mood and leave you feeling calm. Grapefruit and Lavender accompanied with wood and sweet are the epitome of pure.

Lavandula Wax Melt


Our spicey, almost Christmasey kind of fragrance was blended as a pick me up. Notes of Cassia and thyme, infused with a burst of Lemongrass for a winter warming scent that will permiate through your home.

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Cinnamomum Wax Melt


Sweet & indulgent is all that comes to mind when you smell our ultra delicious Vanilla. Think of baking, of oooey goooey fudge or muffins. This fragrance is loved by so many for a reason!

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Vanilla Wax Melt


From the forest of Mirkwood, beneath a sacred mushroom where vines are small but fragrant, our enchanting blend of aromas make this fragrance soothing. Notes of Orange, Eucalyptus & Bergamot blended with subtle hints of Vanilla and Saffron.

Mirkwood Wax Melt
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Oud Wax Melt

Oud Aggar

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Arabian knights, evenings racing through the desert, the woodey scent of oud permiating through the tent. This luxurious blend of sweet, wood and spice is absolutely one of our favorites. with notes of cedarwood, oud aggar patchouli and vanilla.

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